SP Testimonials

It was a great day [in the Cathedral] and I’m now feeling as though Christmas is just around the corner. Thanks to Alex for preparing us so well

I hope those of us that were able to sing last weekend have come down to earth, whilst retaining happy memories of all that we sang. We had some very welcome appreciation from various quarters

The music was really wholeheartedly appreciated and there are a few absentees who are now realising that not attending was a mistake

My repertoire choices are always intended to be achievable, but also to be challenging

It was a really good weekend of music. The choir were sounding excellent throughout.

Thank you so much for the wonderful singing you provided for my mother’s funeral. Your music suggestions were brilliant and the choir was excellent

Residencies give us time to spend on our music – they are hard work, but the opportunity to sing in beautiful surroundings and to be together as a group are worth all the effort!